Known for its exceptional characteristics, Honeydew Honey or
also known as Forest Honey is a classification of honey that is produced by
honeybees as they collect nectar that are emanated from another insect such as
scale insects or aphids. Based on methodological research, studies have shown
that the most healthful type of honey does not really come from nectar but
rather from honeydew. Important
Benefits of Honeydew Honey
· Good source of antioxidants- since
studies have shown that darker types of honey are said to contain higher levels
of antioxidants, Honeydew honey known to have that kind of characteristics
which is why most individuals prefer this classification of honey. Certain
studies have shown that honey from honeydew have the highest levels of
polyphenolics which is considered to be the most significant class of
antioxidant compound. · Effective antibacterial agent-
another important benefit that consumers can get on this type of honey is its
capacity to act as an excellent antibacterial agent. Essentially, Honeydew
Honey has very high levels of Glucose Oxidase activity which is considered to
be a significant determinant that the body is undergoing high degree of
antibacterial activity. Its powerful bactericide composition of minerals,
calcium and magnesium has given the body a highly therapeutic value thus making
the body battle against any kind of bacteria that might take place in the body.
· Natural laxative- given that Honeydew
honey is known to be a good source of fiber, research have also shown that it
can be use as a natural laxative. · Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory-
respiratory disease are known to be one of the most common type of diseases
nowadays and since honeydew do contain agents that can act as an antiseptic as
well as anti-inflammatory activities, it can also be used as a treatment for
various respiratory diseases such as asthma and upper and lower respiratory
tract infection.
Hence given with all these health beneficial
facts stated above, it only shows that Honeydew
honey are not just an ordinary
honey but rather an extraordinary classification which can is not only known to
be as a sweet treat but as well as good source of health advantages. Thus,
since it is specified with its important health benefits of being an
antioxidant, bactericide, natural laxative as well as antiseptic and
anti-inflammatory agent, people can really enjoy the advantages that this type
of honey offers.