Thursday, June 21, 2012

What Is Honeydew Honey?

Known for its exceptional characteristics, Honeydew Honey or also known as Forest Honey is a classification of honey that is produced by honeybees as they collect nectar that are emanated from another insect such as scale insects or aphids. Based on methodological research, studies have shown that the most healthful type of honey does not really come from nectar but rather from honeydew. Important Benefits of Honeydew Honey
· Good source of antioxidants- since studies have shown that darker types of honey are said to contain higher levels of antioxidants, Honeydew honey known to have that kind of characteristics which is why most individuals prefer this classification of honey. Certain studies have shown that honey from honeydew have the highest levels of polyphenolics which is considered to be the most significant class of antioxidant compound. · Effective antibacterial agent- another important benefit that consumers can get on this type of honey is its capacity to act as an excellent antibacterial agent. Essentially, Honeydew Honey has very high levels of Glucose Oxidase activity which is considered to be a significant determinant that the body is undergoing high degree of antibacterial activity. Its powerful bactericide composition of minerals, calcium and magnesium has given the body a highly therapeutic value thus making the body battle against any kind of bacteria that might take place in the body.
· Natural laxative- given that Honeydew honey is known to be a good source of fiber, research have also shown that it can be use as a natural laxative. · Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory- respiratory disease are known to be one of the most common type of diseases nowadays and since honeydew do contain agents that can act as an antiseptic as well as anti-inflammatory activities, it can also be used as a treatment for various respiratory diseases such as asthma and upper and lower respiratory tract infection.
Hence given with all these health beneficial facts stated above, it only shows that Honeydew honey are not just an ordinary honey but rather an extraordinary classification which can is not only known to be as a sweet treat but as well as good source of health advantages. Thus, since it is specified with its important health benefits of being an antioxidant, bactericide, natural laxative as well as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, people can really enjoy the advantages that this type of honey offers.

Toward Menstruation Sex Can Ease Symptoms of PMS

Cramps, bloating, disturbed sleep and mood swings before your period might make your activities uninterrupted. Sexual intercourse with a partner on the Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can relieve symptoms.

Her greatest desire to have sex is usually the day before ovulation and after. Ovulation occurs approximately 14 days after the first day of your last period, so that PMS symptoms usually appear a few days before your next menstrual period.

"Your libido will reach its highest level during the fertile period and during ovulation. Then libido will fall to its lowest during the menstrual period" Jennie said Leslie Campbell, MD, an obstetrician at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland.

Many women are not interested in having sex in times of PMS, because the condition of the body that do not support such as bloating, headaches, breast tenderness, and abdominal cramps. In addition, the emotional symptoms of PMS causes such as irritability, depression, and stress.

But sex can actually be a good way for women to reduce some PMS symptoms, such as anxiety and tension. Research has shown that the body responds to stress usually decreases when a woman is aroused.

Stop Hair Loss

Learn How You Can Stop Hair Loss Easily

If you suffer from hair loss, you need to find some effective ways to stop losing your hair naturally. In this article, you can find some of those effective methods to keep your hair healthy.
1. Consume healthy foods
If you have serious hair loss problem, you may need some healthy foods to support your body system. You need to have good nutrients for your health. Make sure that you consume fruits and vegetables every day to get enough vitamins and minerals from them. Consider taking some supplements that contain beneficial vitamins and minerals for your hair. Take a look to the ingredient before taking those supplements. Make sure that you get Vitamin A because this vitamin is essential to stop losing your hair and keep it healthy.
2. Drink enough water
Not everyone knows that water is necessary to keep your body, including your hair, healthy. Try to drink at least 10 glasses of water every day to stop losing your hair. Water helps you to remove toxins from your body. Make sure that you only drink distilled water to avoid unwanted microorganisms that can grow in your water.
3. Avoid drinking Caffeine
Are you a big fan of coffee? If you want to treat your hair loss problem, you need to avoid drinking coffee because it contains caffeine. This compound is a diuretic, which can lead you to dehydration. Dehydration is another reason for hair loss. Try to substitute your coffee with milk, fruit juice, or decaffeinated coffee.
4. Get enough sleep
You need to get enough sleep every night because it is essential for your health and your hair. Sleep is the only time for the body to remove toxins from your body. You can also put some aromatherapy oils in your bedroom to relax your body.
5. Use natural products
Consider using natural products to stop your hair loss problem. There are many products in the market designed for people with hair loss. You have to be very careful with those products. Some of them contain dangerous chemical substances that can damage your hair easily. There are many natural products, such as black pepper, lemon juice, and ginger, that you can use to keep your hair healthy.
6. Choose the best shampoo
You need to choose your shampoo carefully. Take a look to the ingredients to make sure that your shampoo is safe for you. Consider using shampoo that can keep your hair healthy. Make sure that they contain some natural ingredients to prevent hair loss.
Come to this site to learn more hair growth tips that you can use effectively. In this website, you will know how to stop hair loss effectively.

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Follow These Simple Tips To Stop Losing Your Hair

Many people suffer from hair loss. If you are losing your hair quickly, you have to act as soon as possible. There are many treatments that you can use to stop it and grow your hair back. In this article, you will find some effective ways to prevent hair loss.
1. Massage your scalp
Massaging your scalp with several natural ingredients is effective to increase the blood flow to your follicles. You need to mix honey, olive oil, and cinnamon powder before applying the mixture into your scalp. Leave the mixture on your scalp for several minutes before washing it. By doing so, you will be able to prevent hair loss easily. Try to do this treatment every morning to keep your hair healthy.
2. Consume healthy foods
Healthy foods are effective to prevent hair loss. Try to consume fruits and vegetables that contain a high amount of vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals can stimulate your hair growth. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins to stop losing your hair. This vitamin is a vital ingredient to produce collagen, which is an essential ingredient to keep your hair healthy. If you do not get enough vitamin C from your daily diets, you need to take a vitamin C supplement.
3. Avoid using chemical products
There are many hair products sold in the market. However, some hair products are not suitable for your hair. Try to do some research before buying the products for your hair. Many products cause your hair to fall out quickly. You can also talk to your doctor to choose the best hair products for you. Consider using natural hair products to prevent hair loss and stimulate the hair growth.
4. Use natural products
There are many natural products that can help you to stop hair loss. One of them is the mixture of lime and coconut. You have to mix them together to stop losing your hair. Apply this mixture to your scalp at least once a day. Massage your scalp by using this mixture. Let it stay on your scalp for couple minutes to allow the mixture to penetrate your scalp. Then, you need to rinse it with clear water and shampoo.
5. Consider some other factors that can cause hair loss
There are several factors, such as stress, surgery, some illnesses, and surgery, that can cause temporary hair loss. It usually lasts for three months. Keep this in mind and use this information to design a good treatment to stop losing your hair. Talk to your doctor if you feel that those factors affect your problem.
Come to this site to get more hair growth tips that you can use everyday. Learn how to stop hair loss naturally from this site.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Important Health Tests Performed Before Marriage

Getting married is a stage which is important for every couple who have found a soul mate. After long enough to know each other, sharing stories and trying to unify the ideas. The relationship finally reaching the highest point. Surely good preparation to make it as a moment of the most beautiful is feasible. Time, effort and substantial funds are given to prepare the wedding. Busyness before marriage is not only felt by couples who are getting married but the family also made dizzy by it.

But often there is an escape from a list pre-marriage preparation. In addition to the wedding preparations, naturally couples prepare to face the ark of households that will be lived. Marriage is not as easy as what is told by the princess fairy tales as a child. Beautiful daughters and a good heart who meet a handsome prince eventually married and happy during his life ("happily ever after").

If the term marriage is to be prepared physically and spiritually, which also must be considered and included in the list are pre-marriage preparation couples health. Not only physically fit but also to be considered healthy according to the broad definition. Based on the definition of health according to World Health Organization (WHO) is a prosperous state of physical, mental and social as a whole and not merely freedom from disease or disability. So pre-marital partner health is important to support the achievement of a lasting marriage till old age. Marriage can co-exist and adapt, can overcome his problems with the wise and mature.

Ideally, pre-marital health testing done six months prior to the wedding. Premarital health tests can be done anytime during the marriage has not lasted. If at the time of checking it turns out there is a problem found then treatment can be done after marriage. The following are important issues related to health tests for couples to be married:

1. Reproductive Tract Infection / Sexually Transmitted Infections (ISR / IMS)
Medical screening to avoid the transmission of diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis. Women are actually more susceptible to venereal disease than men. Because the V-shaped female genitals that seemed to "accommodate" the virus. While the male genitals are not "accommodate" and can be directly cleaned. If one spouse suffered from ISR / IMS, before marriage should be treated first to recover. In addition, if such a man suffering from hepatitis B and will be married, his future wife should be made to have immunity against hepatitis B disease. How, with hepatitis B immunization If the couple has not been cured of venereal disease and will remain married, despite not guarantee 100 percent but condom use is highly recommended.

2. A cross rhesus
Most Asian nations have a Rhesus positive, while Europeans average negative. Sometimes, couples do not know the Rhesus blood of each partner. In fact, if Rhesusnya intersect, can affect the quality of offspring. If a female (negative Reshus) married men (Rhesus positive), the first baby has a chance to air-Rhesus negative or positive. If the baby has a Rhesus negative, no problem. But, if he were Rhesus positive, problems may arise in subsequent pregnancies. If it turns out that the second pregnancy that her fetus is Rhesus positive, the pregnancy is dangerous. Because antirhesus antibodies from the mother can enter the fetal red blood cells. Conversely, no matter if the women were Rhesus positive and the negative guy.

3. Hereditary disease
Premarital health tests can detect possible diseases that can be genetically inherited to the child, such as albino. For example, the husband bringing nature of an albino but his wife does not, then the child born does not become an albino. Conversely, if his wife also brought an albino character, then the child must albino.Jika meet with couples who are equally brought this nature, marriage is not to be stopped. It's just that need to be agreed to have kids or not. If you still want to have kids, so the risk the child will be albino. Or choose not to have kids. Marriage should not be delayed by obstacles such as this. What is important is the solution or prevention.

4. Check Fertility (Fertility)
If a couple want a child soon, need to undergo premarital counseling. In this examination with the aim that pregnancy can be prepared and executed properly. It takes a medical history and social conditions. Among other economic status (working or not working) and the atmosphere in the family environment. Including behaviors that do not support a pregnancy, such as smoking, alcoholic beverages, and put on medication psikotoprika.Selain, it is necessary also evaluated the risk of the individual that may arise in pregnancy. Among others, age (still reproductive or not), the condition of nutrition, physical activity, educational level, stress level, and how the relationship with a partner.

Laboratory tests to determine the reproductive organs are also needed. Among other things, pap smear (if a woman is sexually active), uterus, and the status of immunity against diseases (rubella, toxoplasmosis). There is also examination of previous jik egg cells in question are considered infertile couples (difficult to have children). The cause of infertility is caused by man's 45 percent and 55 percent by women. Examination by ultrasound (Ultra Sonography) to see whether a woman suffering from cysts, myomas, tumor, or whitish. If there is any abnormality or infection to be cleared first because it can disturb the process of pregnancy.
By : Raihana Alkaf

Yogurt Benefits

Yogurt was first discovered by Turkish citizens. Initially the sheep herders keep his milk cow on the bag made of sheepskin. Having saved some time, the milk fermented by bacteria to become acidic, texture is thickened but not stale. These findings were developed into yogurt as we know it today.

yogurt into food products are well received even become one of the favorite food in all parts of the world, including Indonesia. Simply because society accepted flavor characteristic of yogurt, soft, sour, fresh and many benefits for your health.

Making Process
Yogurt is a product made with milk pickle way with lactic acid bacteria. Starter used is usually lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus. The bacteria are added to milk that has been pasteurized, the two bacteria is what will ferment lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid. In this phase would be generated by a typical yogurt flavor, acid flavor and texture is thickened due to coagulation of milk protein by acid.

Various Types of Yogurt
In the market found many different types of yogurt. Plain yogurt is one of them, is the color white yogurt and sour taste. This type is suitable for a mixture of different types of dishes, cakes, puddings or drinks because of the taste neutral. In addition to plain yogurt, some fruit yogurt, the kind in which you have added juice and fruit pieces. Fruit yoghurt delicious eaten immediately because it has added various pieces to enrich the flavor. In addition to the fruit flavor, now we also encountered a lot of yogurt with a variety of flavors such as chocolate, vanilla and mocca.

To Delicious Cuisine
The creamy taste of yogurt, sour and fresh not only delicious consumed directly. Various types of cuisine will be more delicious if you add the yogurt into it. If you make satai or preparations of meat such as chicken shish kabab or tandori, try adding plain yogurt in the marinade. The result other than enrich the nutritional value, processed meats will be more tender, tasty and delicious. Another dish that fits combined with yogurt is ceam Soup, salad dressings, puddings, ice creams and fresh drinks like juice.

Benefits Contained
Judging from the composition of nutrients, yogurt is very high in calcium and iron, substances that are good for preventing bone loss. Based on the source of The Wellness Encyclopedia (1991) states that each 227 grams of yogurt containing 275-400 mg of calcium, the figure is quite high compared with other sources of calcium. Content of other nutrients are vitamin B-complex for reproductive health, protein for growth, other vitamins and minerals to keep and maintain the health of body cells.

For people with lactose intolerance, yogurt can be a substitute for milk because the lactose is converted into lactic acid that is safe for consumption. As with the research Ellie Metchnikoff (medical nobel winner 1908). The result of research conducted in the Balkans concluded that there was a positive correlation between eating yoghurt with longevity. Evidently, people who consume lots of yogurt Balkans have a long age (± 87 years). According to Ellie, the habit of eating yogurt that contains active beneficial bacteria to prevent accidental poisoning due to free radicals (causing cancer) and premature aging. For maximum benefit, choose yogurt with no preservatives, flavoring and color. Plain yogurt is a good choice, besides containing active bacteria that are good for the digestive system, this type also without the addition of harmful chemicals. Do not forget to store them in cold temperatures because the yogurt high in protein and contains active bacteria that can easily be damaged if stored at room temperature

Sunday, June 6, 2010

10 Signs Taxable Body Dehydration

The human body consists of 70 percent of water that is useful to set the temperature, protects joints and organs, and helps the circulation of oxygen to the cells. Few there are shortages of water, the body will react.

Make sure the water in the body's condition remains stable so as not to get dehydrated (lose a lot of body fluids). Because body fluids are often experienced shortfalls would cause harm.

There are 10 signs of the body when dehydrated:

1. Dry mouth and swollen tongue

Dry mouth and tongue swelling was the signal becomes slightly dehydrated body. The best way to avoid dehydration is to drink when thirsty. But if it is a drink is still no sign of dehydration, there may be other factors that become the problem.

2. Dark yellow urine

If the body is dehydrated, the kidneys try to conserve water or stop the production of urine. As a result, the urine will become darker in color or dark yellow.

3. Constipation (difficult bowel movements)

When the body enough water, eat foods that will move freely. Large intestine (colon) will absorb water from the food you eat and then issued in the form of faecal waste.

Well, when dehydrated, the colon will save water which causes feces become hard and dry. The result is constipation.

4. The skin becomes less elastic

Doctors can use to test the elasticity of skin dehydration by pinching ways. If the conditions are normal, then when pinching the skin on the back of his hand and then released again will return to normal. But when skin is dehydrated, when pinched and released would normally slow.

Although this is not the best test of dehydration but the elasticity of the skin is still a good sign if there is dehydration.

5. Palpitations

The heart requires a healthy and normal body to function correctly. If there is a decrease of blood flow and changes in electrolyte levels due to dehydration, usually the heart will be pounding.

6. Muscle cramps or spasms

Although not yet known exactly how dehydration affects muscle function but presumably associated with electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium are electrically charged ions that make the muscles work.

If you experience chronic dehydration, electrolyte imbalance will occur that can cause muscle cramps or spasms constantly. This condition occurs after the person completed a lot of exercise or sports.

7. Dizziness

Dehydration can also cause dizziness or fainting. One of the signs of dehydration is when the body was floating hurriedly got up from sitting or sleeping position.

8. Tired

Chronic Dehydration makes blood volume and blood pressure go down that makes the supply of oxygen to the blood also decreased. Without enough oxygen, muscle and nerve function will work slowly so that people become more easily tired.

9. Dry tears

Tears used to clean and lubricate the eye. If the fluid in the body is less, can make the eyes water production stopped.

10. Agency is always feel the heat

Water plays a key role in regulating body temperature. When the body begins to heat the skin will sweat. By sweating, the body temperature will drop again. Because sweat consists mainly of water, then when dehydrated, the body stops producing the sweat that makes the body will feel the heat.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Is the food you eat makes you more and more old?

In the media often mentioned about "Free Radicals" (a group of free atoms which serves as a single atom in a chemical change or chemical processes) and how they are constantly attacking the body, causing serious damage potential. Free radicals are molecules that have a term for a single electron.

Free radicals are produced by normal metabolism and we can not live without it.

Actually that may cause damage to the body when free radicals are produced in excess. We are advised by nutritional experts to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, because they contain an antioxidant phytonutrient-rich substance that can neutralize free radicals and help protect the body.

One important task of free radicals is the production of energy from the food you eat. Every time you eat a meal, free radical activity became intense. The more you eat, the more free radicals are formed and the more your body needs antioxidants for neutralizing them. Large dining meant big trouble!

Free radicals can trigger your skin so it looks older, triggering the emergence of several types of cancer and others.

High effective antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E, minerals like selenium and zinc, and herbs such as aloe vera and grapefruit seed extract our bodies need every day to neutralize free radicals.

Eat a big mean higher stress.

Abundant food
- Just look at the food on supermarket shelves! It's so easy you stay put to cart and take it home, filling the kitchen cupboards, dishes and your stomach until you are hard to move. How many times do you eat too much of the week? How many free radicals attacking your body and accelerate the aging process? Can you reduce the portion of your meal? Not to mention the food was processed in such a way; fried, boiled, baked, smoked, spiced that it was intended to make the delicious food on your tongue!

Facts About Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates include pasta, rice, bread, wheat, fruit, pastry, cakes, biscuits, chips, fried foods, candy etc.. Food is easily available, filling, delicious and cheap. Most food is dominated by carbohydrates. When you eat carbohydrates you eat some form of sugar due to carbohydrate modified by the body into glucose, which will soon be used as energy. If this excess carbohydrate intake, the body will collect excess carbohydrates into fat cells. That is why you are overweight, and eventually became OBESITY from year to year.

You mentioned spending money if it spent money to consume foods with a type like this.

By reducing the intake of carbohydrates, portion control eating and active lifestyles, you will reduce the risk of your body for all activities of free radicals.

What did you eat?

Create a schedule for next week's dinner menu. Note any portion of the distribution describing how much protein, carbohydrates, fats, vegetables, and fruits you eat every time you eat / snack. After a week you will be able to see for themselves how much sugar you eat.

Try the most perfect alternative

You want foods that are rich in nutrition, easily digested and absorbed as a meal replacement. Called Investing Money if you divert some of the same amount for a normal meal full of carbohydrates.
Meal without eating lots of carbohydrates in the ordinary. Free radical activity and nutrition are reduced proportionately to easily & quickly assimilated by the body.