Sunday, June 6, 2010

10 Signs Taxable Body Dehydration

The human body consists of 70 percent of water that is useful to set the temperature, protects joints and organs, and helps the circulation of oxygen to the cells. Few there are shortages of water, the body will react.

Make sure the water in the body's condition remains stable so as not to get dehydrated (lose a lot of body fluids). Because body fluids are often experienced shortfalls would cause harm.

There are 10 signs of the body when dehydrated:

1. Dry mouth and swollen tongue

Dry mouth and tongue swelling was the signal becomes slightly dehydrated body. The best way to avoid dehydration is to drink when thirsty. But if it is a drink is still no sign of dehydration, there may be other factors that become the problem.

2. Dark yellow urine

If the body is dehydrated, the kidneys try to conserve water or stop the production of urine. As a result, the urine will become darker in color or dark yellow.

3. Constipation (difficult bowel movements)

When the body enough water, eat foods that will move freely. Large intestine (colon) will absorb water from the food you eat and then issued in the form of faecal waste.

Well, when dehydrated, the colon will save water which causes feces become hard and dry. The result is constipation.

4. The skin becomes less elastic

Doctors can use to test the elasticity of skin dehydration by pinching ways. If the conditions are normal, then when pinching the skin on the back of his hand and then released again will return to normal. But when skin is dehydrated, when pinched and released would normally slow.

Although this is not the best test of dehydration but the elasticity of the skin is still a good sign if there is dehydration.

5. Palpitations

The heart requires a healthy and normal body to function correctly. If there is a decrease of blood flow and changes in electrolyte levels due to dehydration, usually the heart will be pounding.

6. Muscle cramps or spasms

Although not yet known exactly how dehydration affects muscle function but presumably associated with electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium are electrically charged ions that make the muscles work.

If you experience chronic dehydration, electrolyte imbalance will occur that can cause muscle cramps or spasms constantly. This condition occurs after the person completed a lot of exercise or sports.

7. Dizziness

Dehydration can also cause dizziness or fainting. One of the signs of dehydration is when the body was floating hurriedly got up from sitting or sleeping position.

8. Tired

Chronic Dehydration makes blood volume and blood pressure go down that makes the supply of oxygen to the blood also decreased. Without enough oxygen, muscle and nerve function will work slowly so that people become more easily tired.

9. Dry tears

Tears used to clean and lubricate the eye. If the fluid in the body is less, can make the eyes water production stopped.

10. Agency is always feel the heat

Water plays a key role in regulating body temperature. When the body begins to heat the skin will sweat. By sweating, the body temperature will drop again. Because sweat consists mainly of water, then when dehydrated, the body stops producing the sweat that makes the body will feel the heat.

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