Monday, May 31, 2010

Pregnant and a High Libido

If you are pregnant there are two possibilities related to your sexual arousal, increasing or decreasing drastically. Both were influenced by the hormone estrogen, but one explanation why women who can rise while the other decreases very psychological and individual nature. Family harmony, psychological background and a few other things could be the cause.
But it will not be discussed but whether the fair if you are pregnant but the passion and desire to become more frequent intercourse, though many opinions stating that it could harm the fetus.

According to an obstetrician, a decrease or increase sexual desire that is normal. If you experience any increase in sexual desire when pregnant, according to doctors could be due to the condition of your relationships healthy and mutually satisfying. Moreover if the first trimester of your ass already passed, would not be surprised if the sex was even more hot because you're likely to reach orgasm more easily.
But sometimes problems arise because the male partner or you do not have the same passion. Sometimes men think sex will hurt, and pressing the fetus, they are so extra caution and restraint. This fact is certainly not comfortable for you.
You do not need to worry and stress when faced with this problem, because masturbation is not prohibited in principle important and would never hurt you or your baby. If you prefer to use a vibrator, it is valid only as long as you are not placed in the vagina. Lubricants such as jelly or astroglide also good. Unless you have a tendency to premature birth, you must stop fishing while a variety of things including masturbation and orgasm intercourse.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Twins? Wow, amazing! Like what the hell, the signs if we are pregnant with twins?

1. Usually be felt from the beginning that you are carrying more than one baby. Do not ignore the feelings of the heart or intuition. Many mothers of the twins said they had learned early on that they contain more than one baby.

2. Generally, if a pregnant woman has signs such as dizziness, stomach, sat / not feeling comfortable, even until the vomiting in the morning. But if it contains more than one baby, you generally will be more suffering, namely in the morning till night. Even during the day.

3.Gejala pregnancy more pronounced and is considered exaggerated.
Many of the expectant mother of twins who say they feel more uncomfortable, excessive vomiting, nausea, and very quickly exhausted. Anyway, the symptoms of pregnancy "terrible" that it is often considered far-fetched by the people around.

In fact, all of it due to the extra hormones circulating in the body. Breasts are very sensitive, more frequent urination, feeling hungry all day, and feel very tired. When the contents begin six months of age, may be having trouble breathing, stomach feels very heavy, swelling in the hand also in the legs, weight gain very much (not normal), the stomach is very big, and the fetus moves too much. Umumya, mother of the twins was suffering from anemia or low iron content of the substance.

4. Weight increased rapidly in the first three months of pregnancy. Increase higher than the average weight of the babies of pregnant women. These symptoms may be cited as the first sign contains more than one baby. If a good appetite, it means there is no problem, because good nutrition is needed fetus in the age of the first three months of pregnancy.

5. Large content size for her age. On first inspection, it can be said that the belly is bigger than pregnancy. The doctor says your 8 weeks pregnant (counting from the last time a menstrual period), but when seen with the unseen, big belly / content such as aged 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.

If things like this, it is usually advisable to check with an ultrasound device to see how a fetus in the womb. If in fact contain more than one baby, the size of the content will continue to grow larger. Containing a single mom baby can reach a height of 38-40 cm, starting from the pubic bone, whereas twins can reach 48 cm.

6. The doctor said, the AFP are high. Alpha fetoprotein AFP is a protein that infants issued at the time of growth and is also present in maternal blood. This protein can be high because more than one baby. Normal AFP blood test performed 16-18 weeks after last menstrual period. This test is often used to identify twin pregnancies or not.

7. The doctor said the level of HCG (Human Chorionic gonadotrophin) rose very quickly. HCG is a hormone produced fertilized eggs. This hormone is needed to maintain the pregnancy until the placenta develops. The hormone can be detected in blood or urine even before you stop menstruating.

In normal pregnancy (one baby), the blood concentration of HCG rise rapidly in the first weeks of pregnancy, doubling every two or three days. HCG levels may be higher with the existence of the twins.

8.Dari means "listener", detected two pulses of the heart. Two heartbeats can be distinguishable by a special tool that is used doctor after approximately 12 weeks of pregnancy. Approximately 28 weeks of pregnancy, has been able to distinguish if indeed there are two fetuses.

9.Dengan using ultrasound, multiple pregnancies can be better ensured. This tool will show / demonstrate the existence of two bags of pregnancy, two fetuses, and two heartbeats that can be seen six weeks after the first day of the menstrual period ends. Even twins can be diagnosed much more quickly, about 1-5 weeks after stopping a menstrual period.

Crying Create Health Benefits

Crying it any good? If too old to cry indeed can make en swollen red eyes. But weep and shed tears can also be the wonder drug is useful for health of body and mind. The following 7 cry for health benefits.

There are several reasons for crying:

1. Crying for love and tenderness.
2. Crying out of fear.
3. Cry for love.
4. Crying for joy.
5. Crying in the face of suffering.
6. Crying because it was too sad.
7. Crying because it feels humiliated and weak.
8. Crying because follow-involved people crying.
9. Crying for a charity.
10. Crying == hypocrites pretending to cry.

Here are 7 health benefits of crying for which you can get after crying and shed tears.

1. Helps eyesight

Tears turned out to help the vision of a person, not just the eye itself. Discharge from the eyes to prevent dehydration in the eye membrane that could make the vision become blurred.

2. Kill bacteria

No need eye drops, tears enough that serves as a natural antibacterial. Contained in the tear fluid called "lisozom" that can kill around 90-95 percent of bacteria left over from the computer keyboard, railing, sneeze and the places that contain bacteria, in just five minutes.

3. Improve mood

Someone who can cry because of lower levels of depression with crying, mood someone is going to rise again. Tears were generated from the type to cry with emotion contains 24 percent protein, albumin, which is useful in regulating the body's metabolism system than tears resulting from irritation of the eyes.

4. Removing toxins

A biochemist William Frey has conducted several studies about tears and found that the tears that came out of the emotional cry because it contains toxic.

But make no mistake, watering a poisonous it signifies that he brought the poison from the body and out through the eye.

5. Reduce stress

How crying can reduce stress? Tears turned out to also release stress hormones contained in the body that is "leucine-endorphin enkaphalin" and "prolactin."

In addition to lowering levels of stress, tears also help fight disease-2 caused by stress such as high blood pressure.

6. Building community

In addition to good physical health, crying can also help someone build a community. Usually someone in tears after telling the problem in front of your friends or someone who can provide support, and this can increase the ability to communicate and socialize.

7. Comforting feeling

Everyone seemed to feel that way. Although you are bothered by various kinds of problems and trials, but after crying usually will appear a sense of relief.

After crying, the limbic system, brain and heart will become fluent, and it makes a person feel better and relieved. Remove it matter in your mind through the tears, do not be buried because you can cry explosive.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tips to prevent acne

  1. frequent cleansing
    One cause of acne is dirt and bacteria attached to the face. By washing your face or using a milk cleanser cleansing can get rid of dirt and bacteria that exist.

  2. Get rid of facial hair
    Hair will become dirty and greasy while we perform daily activities. When hair touched his face, then the dirt can be moved to our face and can cause acne.

  3. Wash your pillowcase and sheets regularly
    Dirty hair or face is not clean can cause germs and dirt moving in a pillowcase or bed linens when we use a pillow. Then, at other times when his face against the pillow, the dirt is stuck back in our face.

  4. Drinking eight glasses of water a day
    Consuming enough water can help the body remove toxins and substances that are useless in the body, thereby reducing the risk of acne.

  5. Using a mask to prevent acne on a regular basis.
    By using a mask of honey and lime. This can help eliminate bacteria and oil on the face.

  6. Reduce the use of cosmetics
    Using cosmetics can clog facial pores. This blockage makes the pores do not breathe properly. Choose water-based cosmetics that can reduce the potential for acne than oil-based cosmetics.

  7. Do not squeeze pimples existing
    Dirty hands when you grab and squeeze acne triggers the increase of oil and dirt on their faces. When pressed acne, there are layers beneath the skin can become damaged and cause the oil to spread to other parts of the face of the face so that acne arises more and more

The Benefits of Walking Routine

Nine benefits that can be obtained from the activity of walking.

(1) Heart Attack.

First of course reduce the risk of heart attack. We know that muscle the heart requires more blood flow profusely (from coronary artery who gave her food) in order to fit and function normally without stopping the blood pumping. For that, the heart muscle needs blood flow more rapidly and smoothly. Hie walking speed in coronary blood flow to the heart. Thus the adequacy of oxygen the heart muscle and heart muscle are met can stay awake for quite a beat.
Not only that. Flexibility of the arteries of the body of trained contract and will be helped by mengejangnya expands the muscles around the walls of blood vessels while engaged in activities on foot rushed it. The end result, blood pressure tends to be lower, adhesions antarsel blood clots that can cause blood clots stopper vessels will also be reduced. Moreover, the good cholesterol (HDL), which works as a sponge absorbing the bad cholesterol (LDL) will increase by foot hie. Not many ways out of drugs that can increase HDL levels in addition to the moving body. Walking hurriedly recorded can reduce the risk of heart attack to just half.

(2). Stroke.

Despite the benefits of walking hurriedly towards stroke not as real influence on coronary heart disease, some studies have shown encouraging results. Just look at the natural evidence of our ancestors were doing more walking activities every day, old stroke cases not as much now. One study of 70 thousand nurses (Harvard School of Public Health) that the work was recorded walking activity as much as 20 hours a week reduced their risk of stroke two-thirds.

(3). Stable weight.

It turned out to familiarize walking routine, the rate of metabolism enhanced body. In addition to a number of calories wasted by activity walk, the excess calories that might exist would be burned by increasing the body's metabolism, so weight gain is not occur.

(4). Lose weight.

Yes, in addition maintained a stable weight, those who start overweight, may be derived by performing activities hie walk it regularly. Excess lard in under the skin will be burned if diligently engaged in activities on foot sufficient rate of at least one hour.

(5). Preventing diabetes.

Yes, to get moving on foot around 6 miles per hour, travel time approximately 50 minutes, it can delay or prevent development of Type 2 diabetes, especially in those who bodied overweight (National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases Gigesive &). As we know that cases of diabetes that can be solved without need to take medication, can be done by selecting a bodybuilding routine periodically. During the blood sugar can be controlled simply by moving
bodies (Brisk walking), the drug is not required. That means that hie walk the same benefits with antidiabetic drugs.

(6). Preventing osteoporosis.

That's right. With bodybuilding and walk fast, not only muscles of the body that is backed, but the bones as well. For calcium metabolism, is also necessary to move the body, other than morning light exposure needed. Not enough extra calcium and vitamin D alone to prevent or slow the process of osteoporosis. The body also requires body movement and require a period of not less than 15 minutes of exposure to the sun in the morning to be free from the threat of osteoporosis. Those who exercise since his youth, and consume enough calcium, until the age of 70 years is estimated to be freed from the threat of bone loss.

(7). Relieves arthritic knee.

Over a third of elderly people in America have arthritis knee (Osteoarthiris). By getting used to walking fast or choose to walk in the swimming pool, arthritic knee pain can subsided. For those who suffer from arthritic knee, foot activity needs to be intermittent, not daily. The aim is to provide opportunities for the joint to recover. One thing to remember for people with arthritic ankles or legs: do not mistakenly choose the sports shoes. We know, with increasingly pertambahnya age, joint space narrow, the lining of the joints more susceptible to thinning, and joint space fluid was shrinkage. Condition of joints that are like that needs to be guarded and protected so as not to experience severe shocks by the load weight, especially in the fat. When the bearings (sol) less tender sneakers, shoes failed act as shock absorbers (shock absorber). That means the joints continue to experience heavy shock load during walking, especially when running or jumping. This is exacerbating the condition of joints, and sparked attacks cause joint pain or joint disease in those at risk of joint disorders. The emergence of joint pain after walking activity, could so because of the wrong type of sports shoes. Branded shoes determine the quality cushions, other anatomical suitability of the foot. Habit of walking barefoot, even indoors
though, can worsen the condition of the joints of leg and foot, and shock loads that must be borne by the joints.

(8) Depression.

It turned out that moving the body with a quick walk also helps patients with depression status. Strolling could hie replace antidepressants should be taken regularly. Happenings Studies free from depression by walking has done more 10 years.

(9). Cancer can also arise if we diligently canceled on foot, at least the type of colon cancer (colorectal carcinoma).

We know, moving the body part launched intestinal peristalsis, so that defecate more orderly. Colorectal cancer is also triggered by Fecal retention for longer in the digestive tract. Another study also mentions the role of walking to the possibility of a reduced risk of developing breast cancer.

Prevent Heart Diseases With Tooth Brush 2 times a day

Toothbrush not only help maintain the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth. Diligent brushing teeth twice a day can prevent someone from having a heart attack.

The scientists said that people who are lazy to keep cleaning your teeth and mouth have a higher chance of suffering from heart problems. This strengthens the evidence that gum disease makes a person more susceptible to heart disease.

However, this research is the first time reveal the link between heart disease with tooth brushing habits.

Researchers found the bacteria that enter from the mouth into the bloodstream to activate the immune system. This will make the blood vessel walls become inflamed and narrowed, or make fat deposition in arteries, causing further narrowing.

A study found that people who never or rarely have to brush your teeth 70 percent chance of suffering from heart disease than people who diligently brushing teeth twice a day.

In previous studies, researchers found that healthy teeth and gums can lead to bad 700 species of bacteria into the bloodstream. This condition can increase the risk of heart attack regardless of whether that person is healthy or not.

In this study, researchers from University College London analyzed data of more than 11,000 people with an average age of 50 years. Participants were asked to answer the question how often brushed his teeth and visiting the dentist.

After eight years later there were 555 cases of serious heart problems with the 170 fatal cases. It turned out that got people who never or rarely have a chance to brush my teeth by 70 percent for heart disease. This condition will be exacerbated if a person has obesity, smoking or unhealthy life patterns.

"Our results strengthen the relationship between oral health and heart disease risk, this suggests that brushing your teeth also has an important role for heart health," said researcher Professor Richard Watt, as quoted from Dailymail, Friday (28/05/2010).

Professor Damien Walmsley, scientific adviser of the British Dental Association revealed that there are several studies that link various health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and even dementia associated with poor oral health.

However, further research is still needed to confirm whether this is just coincidence, or indeed a cause for sure.

"Whatever the correct result would be, we can say with certainty that the diligent brushing your teeth twice a day is an important thing to maintain healthy teeth and gums as well as make other organs remain healthy," said Prof Walmsley.

Fish Oil

Currently a lot of supplements is on offer in the market, including fish oil supplements. It is said that fish oil could melinungi baby from illness. Is not that true?

Do you know of where the origin of fish oil? Fish oil derived from the fatty tissue of fish, containing omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

for our children, fish oil has several benefits

  1. reduce blood pressure in overweight children.
    a recent study found that supplements of fish oil may help lower blood pressure in children who are overweight. Surely this can reduce our risk of hypertension in children.

  2. increase children's brain development.
    omega 3 and DHA in fish oil are essential nutrients for the brain is so that children can develop optimally. Some research shows that fish oil can improve the overall cognitive performance.

  3. Help reduce inflammatory conditions.
    Inflammatory conditions is one cause of health problems including asthma, eczema and heart problems. This sometimes does not tersadari by society because almost no symptoms. With the presence of omega 3 fatty acid intake from supplements can make the inflammation is not really threatening the health of the child.

  4. Preventing problem behavior disorders in children.
    Various studies have shown the consumption of fish oil supplements are an easy way to help prevent behavior problems in children in the future. Because of suspected child who has behavior problems such as anxiety, bipolar disorder or hyperactivity caused by lack of omega-3 fatty acid intake.