Sunday, June 6, 2010

10 Signs Taxable Body Dehydration

The human body consists of 70 percent of water that is useful to set the temperature, protects joints and organs, and helps the circulation of oxygen to the cells. Few there are shortages of water, the body will react.

Make sure the water in the body's condition remains stable so as not to get dehydrated (lose a lot of body fluids). Because body fluids are often experienced shortfalls would cause harm.

There are 10 signs of the body when dehydrated:

1. Dry mouth and swollen tongue

Dry mouth and tongue swelling was the signal becomes slightly dehydrated body. The best way to avoid dehydration is to drink when thirsty. But if it is a drink is still no sign of dehydration, there may be other factors that become the problem.

2. Dark yellow urine

If the body is dehydrated, the kidneys try to conserve water or stop the production of urine. As a result, the urine will become darker in color or dark yellow.

3. Constipation (difficult bowel movements)

When the body enough water, eat foods that will move freely. Large intestine (colon) will absorb water from the food you eat and then issued in the form of faecal waste.

Well, when dehydrated, the colon will save water which causes feces become hard and dry. The result is constipation.

4. The skin becomes less elastic

Doctors can use to test the elasticity of skin dehydration by pinching ways. If the conditions are normal, then when pinching the skin on the back of his hand and then released again will return to normal. But when skin is dehydrated, when pinched and released would normally slow.

Although this is not the best test of dehydration but the elasticity of the skin is still a good sign if there is dehydration.

5. Palpitations

The heart requires a healthy and normal body to function correctly. If there is a decrease of blood flow and changes in electrolyte levels due to dehydration, usually the heart will be pounding.

6. Muscle cramps or spasms

Although not yet known exactly how dehydration affects muscle function but presumably associated with electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium are electrically charged ions that make the muscles work.

If you experience chronic dehydration, electrolyte imbalance will occur that can cause muscle cramps or spasms constantly. This condition occurs after the person completed a lot of exercise or sports.

7. Dizziness

Dehydration can also cause dizziness or fainting. One of the signs of dehydration is when the body was floating hurriedly got up from sitting or sleeping position.

8. Tired

Chronic Dehydration makes blood volume and blood pressure go down that makes the supply of oxygen to the blood also decreased. Without enough oxygen, muscle and nerve function will work slowly so that people become more easily tired.

9. Dry tears

Tears used to clean and lubricate the eye. If the fluid in the body is less, can make the eyes water production stopped.

10. Agency is always feel the heat

Water plays a key role in regulating body temperature. When the body begins to heat the skin will sweat. By sweating, the body temperature will drop again. Because sweat consists mainly of water, then when dehydrated, the body stops producing the sweat that makes the body will feel the heat.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Is the food you eat makes you more and more old?

In the media often mentioned about "Free Radicals" (a group of free atoms which serves as a single atom in a chemical change or chemical processes) and how they are constantly attacking the body, causing serious damage potential. Free radicals are molecules that have a term for a single electron.

Free radicals are produced by normal metabolism and we can not live without it.

Actually that may cause damage to the body when free radicals are produced in excess. We are advised by nutritional experts to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, because they contain an antioxidant phytonutrient-rich substance that can neutralize free radicals and help protect the body.

One important task of free radicals is the production of energy from the food you eat. Every time you eat a meal, free radical activity became intense. The more you eat, the more free radicals are formed and the more your body needs antioxidants for neutralizing them. Large dining meant big trouble!

Free radicals can trigger your skin so it looks older, triggering the emergence of several types of cancer and others.

High effective antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E, minerals like selenium and zinc, and herbs such as aloe vera and grapefruit seed extract our bodies need every day to neutralize free radicals.

Eat a big mean higher stress.

Abundant food
- Just look at the food on supermarket shelves! It's so easy you stay put to cart and take it home, filling the kitchen cupboards, dishes and your stomach until you are hard to move. How many times do you eat too much of the week? How many free radicals attacking your body and accelerate the aging process? Can you reduce the portion of your meal? Not to mention the food was processed in such a way; fried, boiled, baked, smoked, spiced that it was intended to make the delicious food on your tongue!

Facts About Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates include pasta, rice, bread, wheat, fruit, pastry, cakes, biscuits, chips, fried foods, candy etc.. Food is easily available, filling, delicious and cheap. Most food is dominated by carbohydrates. When you eat carbohydrates you eat some form of sugar due to carbohydrate modified by the body into glucose, which will soon be used as energy. If this excess carbohydrate intake, the body will collect excess carbohydrates into fat cells. That is why you are overweight, and eventually became OBESITY from year to year.

You mentioned spending money if it spent money to consume foods with a type like this.

By reducing the intake of carbohydrates, portion control eating and active lifestyles, you will reduce the risk of your body for all activities of free radicals.

What did you eat?

Create a schedule for next week's dinner menu. Note any portion of the distribution describing how much protein, carbohydrates, fats, vegetables, and fruits you eat every time you eat / snack. After a week you will be able to see for themselves how much sugar you eat.

Try the most perfect alternative

You want foods that are rich in nutrition, easily digested and absorbed as a meal replacement. Called Investing Money if you divert some of the same amount for a normal meal full of carbohydrates.
Meal without eating lots of carbohydrates in the ordinary. Free radical activity and nutrition are reduced proportionately to easily & quickly assimilated by the body.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How It works for Eye Carrots?

The presumption is in circulation about the carrot and no right eye health but also no harm. Can wotel help improve eyesight?

During these parents often sent their children to eat carrots because it can be trusted to make the eyes healthy.

Though carrots will not improve visual acuity a person who already has a less than perfect eyesight. But the vitamins are contained in carrots can help improve your overall eye health.

Vegetables carrots begin health-related eye since World War II. At the time it is told that the fighter pilot John Cunningham has a good vision of flying at night, after diligent eating carrots. Responding to this story, eventually many people who diligently eating carrots in order to have perfect eyesight.

As quoted from HowStuffWorks, Wednesday (06/02/2010) carrots contain beta-carotene compound, ie a substance which is converted by the body into vitamin A (one of the important nutrients for eye health).

Compounds of beta carotene is the carotenoid pigments found in vegetables and fruits that are orange. Beta carotene is an important precursor for the formation of vitamin A.

A person who is experiencing extreme vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness. Even in some developing countries, vitamin A deficiency is a major cause of blindness.

In addition vitamin A deficiency can also cause xerophthalmia, eye conditions can no longer produce tears, experiencing a drought in the eye, eyelid swelling and corneal disorders.

However, if the interference experienced eye is not caused by vitamin A deficiency, the condition of vision will not change even if someone ate carrots in large numbers.

Carrots are not the only vegetables that contain beta-carotene to support eye health, other foods such as sweet potatoes, mangoes, apricots and pumpkins are also a source of beta carotene. It also includes milk, cheese, egg yolk and liver.

Vegetables that contain antioxidants known as lutein. Containing foods rich in lutein may increase the density of pigment in the macula, the area is yellow oval shaped and located near the retina of the eye.

The greater density of pigment in the macula, the retina of the eye will be increasingly well protected and reduce the risk of macula degeneration.

So, if the experienced eye disorder caused by deficiency of vitamin A then eating carrots can help improve eye health.

But if not caused by impaired vitamin A, then the possibility of excessive consumption of carrots will not give effect. Still it never hurts to keep eating a carrot on a regular basis to meet the intake of vitamin A for body.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Eating Too Fast Can Fat Fast

If you're a diet do you eat should also be noted. People who are accustomed to eating fast opportunity to add their weight three times more than someone who was eating with a slow tempo.

So far, people who are following a weight-loss programs often think the main factor to reduce weight is the amount of food intake. But it was the speed of eating is the most important factor.

As quoted from, the body requires approximately 20 minutes to send satiety signals to the brain. If you mempuyai eating habits quickly, you'll tend to eat too much before the body has had time to send satiety signals.

Besides eating too fast making the body more quickly forced to digest and you will lose the nutrients before the food is digested properly. Although it does not have much time to eat because of busy work, try to slow may chew food.

There are several ways that can be tried to reduce the speed of eating but do not add your time to eat:
1. Eat small snacks such as fruit, 20 minutes before main meals.
2. For example 20 minutes before you go to lunch.
3. Reduce meal portions. By reducing the portion of food, the time required for eating slowly will not be much longer than a lot of fast food. You will not feel hungry despite eating less.
4. Drinking water before meals.
5. Enjoy and be grateful for your food.
6. Give your body time to digest and send satiety signals.

With a slow tempo to eat. You can get the ideal body weight and can enjoy a healthier life.

Research about this fast food has previously carried out by researchers from Osaka University in Japan that was published in the British Medical Journal. The experts conducted a study of 3,000 people about how to eat them.

The result, half of them admitted tend to eat too fast. Than those who ate the slow tempo of that amount was 84 percent male respondents experienced excess weight. Similarly, overweight women who experience more than twice.

Respondents who ate fast food are also likely to continue eating until they feel full.